Balochistan and CPEC: Analyzing the Indian Factor


  • Iman Mujahid Pursuing BS Political Science Degree from Kinnaird College Lahore



China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), Baluchistan Liberation Army (BLA), Research and Analysis Wing (RAW), geostrategic, economics, security, alochistan Liberation


China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) has promising economic and infrastructural developments for Pakistan. The stability and success of CPEC is dependent on the security and peace of Balochistan. Out of the multiple problems CPEC faces, the instability and chaos in Balochistan is one of the major issues. The role of India cannot be ignored in this case, because the development and prospects of CPEC are conflicted with India’s national as well as regional interest. This paper explores the Indian direct and indirect intervention in Balochistan which is hampering the viability and potentiality of CPEC. This paper focuses on the geostrategic, economic, and security implications for Pakistan considering the rise in the activities of the Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) to destabilize the internal security avenues of Pakistan. The lucid connection between the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) and BLA to hinder the functionality of CPEC for the maintenance of the Indian Hegemonic power in the region is investigated. The possible policy options Pakistan can adopt to make the environment conducive in Balochistan for the safe and sound completion of CPEC is also discussed. This qualitative research uses descriptive and explanatory techniques to analyze the multi-faceted implications of the Indian involvement in Balochistan and its consequent impact on CPEC.



How to Cite

Mujahid, I. (2022). Balochistan and CPEC: Analyzing the Indian Factor. BTTN Journal, 1(1), 51–67.


